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My friends and I had heard about the legendary 200+ inches of snowfall 在密歇根州的hg6668皇冠登录市,他们迫不及待地想潜入数英里的新粉末中. 但更让我们兴奋的是在雪地自行车道上骑行——这是一条长达25英里的壮观小径 Noquemanon Trail Network developed specifically for fat tire bikes. We were all avid mountain bikers, 他曾在其他地方尝试过冬季减肥自行车,但显然反响平平. But after discovering the films Cold Rolled and its follow up Whack Jobs, about fat biking 在被称为48州冬季肥胖自行车之都的马凯特,我们很高兴能亲身体验肥胖自行车的天堂.

Fat Biking

Fat bikes and fat burritos

红、白、蓝三色玉米饼片和三色盘子, Border Grill was a colorful contrast to the white outside. The staff at Sports Rack Marquette 是谁给我们介绍了萨尔萨·穆克鲁克(Salsa Mukluk)的脂肪自行车,建议我们在攻击小径之前在这里加油. 我们的白鱼卷饼里装满了从附近的苏必利尔湖捕来的新鱼,分量很大. The collection of salsas, hot sauces, 我们为他们准备的自制干酪和鳄梨酱几乎占了第二张桌子. 在吃了我在美国境内吃过的最新鲜的墨西哥食物之后, 我提醒我的朋友们,是时候把我们的桌子换成远足了.

These woods were a low-pressure rider’s paradise. 我们花了好几个小时开车穿过白雪覆盖的森林,驶过冰雪覆盖的桥梁, down flowy hills, and over berms on groomed single-track. 那天晚上晚些时候,当我们一边喝着啤酒一边回忆每一英里时,肾上腺素还在飙升.

离开小径后,我们把自行车装好,前往 Presque Isle Park. 我们沿着海岸线嘎吱嘎吱地行驶,查看 Lake Superior “煎饼”——水中的圆形冰块,看起来像漂浮的煎饼——当我们叫卖的时候, and bunny-hopped over snow-covered Blackrocks.

We ended the day at Blackrocks Brewery位于一个可爱的黄色房子里,有滑雪板围栏. 里面挤满了人,所以我们把啤酒拿出去了. The crowd spilled outside too. 其他刚从山坡上下来的滑雪手和滑雪板爱好者聚集在门廊或火坑周围.

“Cheers to the genius who designed these,” Evan said as we settled into a spacious, see-through igloo on the brewery’s front lawn. It was so cozy inside we didn’t want to leave. While chatting with a local, 我们了解到在哈洛湖有更多的小径需要粉碎——15多英里的小径, he said, 拥有壮丽的景色和中西部最困难的骑行技术. 他告诉我们,那里甚至还有带双层床的乡村小屋, 沿着小径的柴炉和户外火坑. 我心里记着下次出去的时候要预定一辆.

我们接受了另一个当地人的建议,去了 Portside Inn for dinner in downtown Marquette. “只是不要从面包棒开始,”她警告说. “If you do, get your entrées to go.”

直到一个小时后,当我们挑选最后一块黄油时,我们才明白她的意思, 盘子里的蒜屑和帕尔马干酪.

Ice Climbing

Conquering the curtains

第二天早上,在吃了自制饼干和肉汁之后 Café Bodega, we walked across the street to Downwind Sports to rent ice climbing gear. 这不是一次沙滩上的足迹之旅. 我们俩打算在冰上留下蚀刻版画. 我们的皇冠苹果版app下载将从hg6668皇冠登录东南约25英里处开始.

“有多少人能说自己跳过冰洞?” Evan asked in anticipation.

那天,我们是埃本冰洞里为数不多的幸运儿. 这些洞穴更像是巨大的冰幕,它们令人难以置信,因为它们很容易接近. 我们穿上了我们的yaktrax——基本上是冰鞋——很高兴我们穿上了,因为有一次我们徒步穿过田野去了洞穴, we had plenty of traction to explore them. 我们躲在蓝绿色的巨大冰柱下面,冰柱冻在一起,从洞里往外看. 但这只是接下来的热身.

We headed another 30 minutes down the road to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. 今年夏天,桨手和hg6668皇冠登录者的梦想变成了一堵巨大的冰墙, perfect for climbing. None of us had ever done any climbing, much less on ice, but with the right gear, 在征服了The curtain之后,我们感觉自己就像老职业选手一样.

“我们需要回来参加密歇根冰节,”那天下午,马特一边喝着饮料,一边说 Ore Dock Brewing Company. 这个国家最古老的冰雪节提供从初学者到高级的诊所.

“One climb and you’re hooked,” I said sipping my black-cherry hard seltzer, made with Lake Superior water.

“Let’s go,” Craig said. “We have a date with Marquette Mountain.”


Catching air

Three miles from downtown, we arrived at the slopes 正好赶上夜间滑雪,或者在我们的情况下,单板滑雪. We hit every jump and rail in the terrain park, checked off a few black diamonds, 甚至探索了被恰如其分地称为“丛林”的偏远地区.”

We wound down over poutine and pints at Stucko’s Pub & Grill. Well, technically, they were double-pints. Stucko的招牌饮料是装在32盎司冰镇瓶里的生啤酒. Shoop glass.

The next morning greeted us bright and early.

“Welcome to Suicide Hill,” our ski jumping instructor said. If he was trying to scare us, it didn’t work. 我们想要一次皇冠苹果版app下载,而hg6668皇冠登录大学在各方面都做到了. 距hg6668皇冠登录大学15英里的地方是密歇根州唯一的滑雪跳台学校,有五个先进的滑雪跳台等待着被征服.

“Gain and maintain,” said Coach Gary. 速度是成功完成这些跳跃的关键, 25, 40, 60和90米——最长的几乎是一个足球场的长度. 一次一个人,我们在把自己发射到天空之前,让我们的身体尽可能地符合空气动力学. 在空中飞行的感觉除了更多的空气之外什么都没有,这种感觉令人兴奋不已! 我们在杰克逊酒吧吃着汉堡和鸡翅庆祝 Negaunee.

Speed Sliding

Speed sliding

That afternoon, we joined the Upper Peninsula Luge Club 露西山雪橇跑道,也在内格尼,那里是有希望参加奥运会的雪橇运动员训练的地方. We spent the better part of the day on our backs, feet first, 在全国唯一的全长天然雪橇跑道上比赛, 像五岁小孩第一次玩雪橇一样尖叫.

On our last night in Marquette, we took turns bragging about who luged faster, rode harder, jumped farther, 同时在认知啤酒厂的酒廊里放松, located in a historic former hotel. 这里的啤酒种类繁多,每天都是“认知啤酒节”. Then we headed down the street to eat at Congress Pizza.

“Want to try our homemade cudighi?女服务员问,然后解释说cudighi是一种来自意大利的香肠,现在是北方邦的特色菜.

“在hg6668皇冠登录的时候,”克雷格替我们大家回答. It was the perfect answer.

“在hg6668皇冠登录的时候”基本上概括了我们三天的旅行. We were dreading our flight back. But now we knew. hg6668皇冠登录是户外刺激的好去处. We couldn’t wait until next time.

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